Friday, December 12, 2008

Brandy's Human

After a few years of rather low profile and musical silence, more than anything due to her involvement in a car accident scandal than anything else, Brandy has released her latest album 'Human'. I haven't had a chance to listen to it in full yet, but I thought it was worth sharing these two videos of her latest single releases in the US. They are very nice and especially 'Right Here (Departed)' is quite touching. I hope you like them.

Despues de unos cuantos aƱos de silencio musical y estar alejada del ojo publico, mas que nada despues de estar imbolucrada en un escandalo sobre un accidente de coche, Brandy ha vuelto con su nuevo album 'Human'. Aun no he tenido oportunidad de excuchar el disco entero, pero me gustaria compartir estos dos video que he encontrado de los dos sencillos que ha sacado al mercado en USA. Especialmente 'Right Here (Departed)' toca bastante la fibra sensible. Espero que os gusten.

'Brandy - Right Here (Departed)'

'Brandy - Lond Distance'

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