Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Alesha Has Finally Made It Solo

Alesha Dixon, former one third of UK girl band Mis-Teeq and last year's Strictly Come Dancing winner, released not long ago her new solo album 'The Alesha Show'. I don't say her first solo album as this is not the case. She previously recorded another album, 'Fired Up', that contained her two fairly succesful singles 'Knockdown' and 'Lipstick', the the album itself never saw the light for some reason and was shelved without release inthe UK. I had the chance now to listen to both of those and I can say that they are both very good albums. It's a shame 'Fired Up' was never released as it could have been a smashing success for Alesha. Fortunately, 'The Alesha Show' is a very solid pop collection of sounds, with great upbeat and ballad songs, so this is a good chance to redeem herself and show the record company what mistake they did pulling the plug on the previous album. The first single for the present album is 'The Boy Does Nothing'. Maybe somehow slightly strange lyrics, but it becomes really catchy and the video is very much on the lines of her previous success in the dancing arena. Judge for yourselves, but I think she has rightfully earned the nickname of 'british response to Beyonce'.

Alesha Dixon, ex parte del grupo femenino Mis-teeq y ganadora de la original inglesa del programa 'Mira Quien Baila', saco al mercado no hace mucho su ultimo trabajo de estudio en solitario al mercado llamado 'The Alesha Show'. Y digo su ultimo, porque en este caso no es el primero. Alesha grabo hace un par de años otro album llamado 'Fired Up', del cual saco al mercado con bastante exito los sencillos 'Knockdown' y 'Lipstick', pero por algun motivo, la compañia discografica decidio no sacar el disco al mercado. Afortunadamanete para Alesha, aqui tiene su seguna oportunidad gracias a la popularidad que gano este pasado año, entre otras cosas, por ganar el concurso de baile votado por el publico del Reino Unido. Su primer single del presente album se llama 'The Boy Does Nothing'. La letra de la cancion es un poco peculiar, pero se convierte en una cancion muy pegadiza y con un fantastico ritmo, el video muy inspirado en la pista de baile de salon. juzgad por vosotros mismos los videos presente y pasados y vereis como la discografica se da cuenta ahora del error que cometio hace un par de años, con lo que creo que se ha ganado a pulso el titulo de la 'respuesta inglesa a Beyonce' como la llaman aqui.

'Alesha Dixon - The Boy Does Nothing'

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