Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anastacia Can Feel You

The little lady with the huge voice, Anastacia, is back and ready to storm through anything in her way! This is the first single, 'I Can Feel You', from her upcoming album 'Heavy Rotation', which will be released on 27th October In Europe and Asia. The rest of the world during 2009. Surprising how an American has such huge success in Europe but not in her own country which so much talent as she has. Delight your ears with her new song produced and written by Ne-Yo.

La pequeña dama con gran voz, Anastacia, vuelve lista a arrollar todo lo que se ponga en su camino. Este es su primer sencillo, 'I Can Feel You', de su nuevo album 'Heavy Rotation' que saldra a la venta el 27 de Octubre en Europa y Asia. En el resto del mundo a partir del 2009. Es curioso como una cantante con tanto talento no tiene tanto exito en su propio pais. Deleitar vuestros oidoscon su nueva cancion producida y escrita por Ne-Yo.

'Anastacia - I Can Feel You'

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